Spend all the money in the world but still you won’t have enough handbags. Despite this we can’t help but buy more of them. Talking about bags traditionally, they were just a means for holding your articles in tact in one place but with fashion industry extending its horizons to unimaginable corners, the means for carrying a handbag has changed drastically. Now there is not one bag for all purposes but different bags for one purpose. The tables have turned! It’s not at all surprising how one is willing to spend so much on a designer bag because it’s the one accessory we cannot do without. As girls, we can easily envy when it comes to fashion and so, are ready to buy a more expensive and trendier bag than in the arms of another girl. The whole point of carrying a luxurious trendy bag is the aesthetics that come with it.
Whatever be the reason to carry a bag, it is basically beauty combined with functionality which makes it a must have accessory. Read on to discover the fanciest bags out there that you can carry everywhere you go.
- SATCHEL BAG- Satchels are the perfect pick for working women because they need to carry a lot of stuff every day. The size of a satchel is just perfect for carrying around everywhere and has a sweet spot between a handbag and a laptop bag. All your basics, gadgets, touch up needs can be stored in one and you’re good to go. It’s advisable to always buy premium quality bags to avoid early discard and sloppiness.
- TOTES- each one of us should have at least one of these beauties. A rectangular shaped bag of leather or canvas has been designed for the shopping woman. Mostly tote bags have medium handles but larger spaces to carry more than what you need. There is enough room for all your shopping and looks every stylish just thrown over the shoulder casually. It will fit all your bare needs and maintain that style quotient status too.
- BUCKET BAG- bucket bag is usually a quintessential medium sized bag with drawstring closures. It’s called a bucket because you carry it that way, just carelessly giving a really cool appeal to your personality. With its distinct shape, it attracts the eye and will look best when carried with denim.
- SLING BAGS- also called cross body bags are functional, comfortable to carry, stylish and perfect for running errands & travelling. Sling bags also come in different sizes and look so amazing with dresses and pants. Having a sling is an everyday essential because of the utility and ease it holds. Women of all age can suitably carry slings whether plain, embellished or tassels.
- QUILTED BAGS- are considered iconic for the cushion look they showcase. I wonder whose idea was it to design this beauty! An investment like this goes a long way because of its style statement. A quilted bag revamps your look for a dinner party and is a treat to the eyes. This will definitely be an exciting addition to your collection.
- MINAUDIERE- another fancy name for party clutches. A minaudiere is a regular clutch but with embellishment all over with stones, pearls, gems etc. For a grand party look. It suits best when going to a wedding, cocktail party or a special event that requires a person to be dressed uniquely and eye catching looks. Clutches might not be that spacious but are definitely luxurious to carry because of their designer feature. It’s classy and every girl needs one for sure because of its looks to die for!
- WRISTLETS- as fancy is the name so are the looks. A wristlet is just like a regular wallet but with much more functionality and comfort to carry. With a loop by the side, you can wrap around the wrist and carry it around wherever you go without tiring your arms and can carry cash, cards and phone too. This elegant looking piece is a must have designer piece because of its quality and uniqueness.
- HOBO BAG- improvisation of the shoulder bag brought a hobo bag into existence. A hobo bag is not as wide and spacious as the shoulder bag but definitely more classy and differently shaped. It looks like a crescent and can be carried formally and casually because of the sling and handle. Bored of carrying the same styled bags like everyone? Then this is your pick for sure!
Bags are not just a necessity but showcase a style statement when you step out. Be it travelling or workplace or parties, one must own a piece of all these bags for the ultimate fashionista look!
What do you think?